Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Grumpy wombat vs Grumpy cat

Okay so its about time I did a focus on the name sake of this website. Wombats have been a favourite of mine for a while.
Okay this one is Happy but who wouldn't be with a corn cob.
 The main reason they are a recurring favourite is that they are the embodiment of a grumpy animal, and you all know from Grumpidy that I love grumpy animals. These guys were the epitome of grumpy long before grumpy cat came along.
Anything that sleeps in a burrow is far grumpier than something that sleeps anywhere. The share fact that it storms off down it’s hole leaves its back end to do it's fighting is amazing.
If that doesn't scream talk to the hand I don't know what does. The only difference is talk to hand isn't scary; the back end of a wombat in a tunnel is the most dangerous part. Even if a predator can avoid the nasty kick to the head and actually get up close to a wombat the hard plates in its lower back ( under the fur) will deflect most attacks. You can easily see where the back slopes down straight
Then if a predator finally gets up close enough to do anything the wombat will allow the predator to slide his head in above these hard plates, then using the strong legs will push up and crush the skull of a predator against the roof of the tunnel. Now that is way more dangerous than any look a grumpy faced cat can give. Don't get me wrong I still love grumpy cat I just think he’s got a bit of competition out there, and Australian animals are ready to take that challenge.
There are also people out there who think that Koala's are Australia's grumpiest animal, how can this be true, look at those stompy wombat feet and stocky build.
Stompy Feet McWombat
 These guys are built to be grumpy like a very strong baby bulldozer. Look at the strong shoulders and those feet really mean business. Don't worry the babies in the pouches are fine with all that digging; the pouch faces backwards for this very reason.
 Okay so I have covered how grumpy they are and I definitely wouldn't mess with one in the wild. BUT under the right circumstances they can also be total sweethearts. They are a favourite of rescue shelter workers because of their personalities. Sadly their defenses don't protect them against human populations with attacks such as fences and cars. Floods are another main factor that effects a great number of wombats. There are great places that try to help and there is likely several in most states such as SleepyBurrows and Cedar Creek Wombat Rescue . Wombats are one of the great under-appreciated and misunderstood animals, It only takes one look at them to make them a favourite for life.
Now to try draw this mini bulldozer.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Raccoons...innocent right?

Just a bit of a background I love animals with their tongues out. How can you not!
Just because they have the black balaclava doesn't mean they are naughty or up to something. Oh wait in this case it definitely does. These guys radiate a cheeky curious energy. No mater what they are doing, how innocent they try to look, they always give that impression of being up to something. I get told often by people that know me well that I have naughty look on my face, this usually means someone thinks I am up to something. Raccoons have this all the time.

We met this guy while we were walking round the lake at Stanley Park in Vancouver, he was following a group of tourists at a distance. I don't think they knew he was there, he followed them for a short while then got bored and started to forage. The lady at the information center said these ones were pretty tame, and that there was a group of woman who would go for walks every evening and feed them. So this one was just trying his luck during the day. We had some apple with us but he wasn't really interested in that. We had some bread with us as well. That he loved ...who wouldn't prefer carbs when you usually eat plants and small animals.In the wild and around suburban areas it isn't usually a good idea to feed them or leave them with access to food such as rubbish because they come to rely on human influence for food and can become a pest. The ones in Stanley Park are almost a tourist attraction and can let you get close to them but they are still wild animals and need to be given the respect that they can be dangerous. The one below was at a resort in Costa Rica, came up into the area by the pool at night and went straight to the rubbish bins, rummaged through for quite a while before being scared off by a staff member. 

Okay so after the issues last week with The Lion King im happy to say raccoons are properly representd by disney in Pocahontas with Meeko always hungry and curious with the correct marking. :P. So I don't have to draw a picture to prove a point this week but I will draw some tomorrow and put them up for you so check back for them.

Okay so it turns out raccoons are easy to draw you can use literally any shape and just draw a dark eye mask and a stripey tail, for example

No but seriously its not hard here are some better pictures and the picture from my map for continuity .